Hey, Worldhoppers!
There are stories that we want to tell at Emergent Realms that don’t always fit into novels we’re writing, but we’d love to tell them to you anyway.
Today, I want to talk about one of them called Conviction by Fire by A H Serrano. The story is a prequel to Vile & Blessed.
Here’s a synopsis of Conviction by Fire:
Blessed with the power of fire, Lhii Fuéra’s duty is to protect, but in the aftermath of a murder, she’s the one placed on trial. As the daughter of a great general, Lhii soon realizes that justice matters little among the powerful, and she's faced with a choice: become the victim or blame the victim.
Sounds awesome, right? Lhii fans rejoice!
So, naturally, you’re thinking: “how do I get this story?”
We decided to team up with twelve other authors to bring you this story in an anthology called The Magic in Fire.

Twelve stories - Thirteen authors.
One theme - The Magic in Fire.
We could just put up A H Serrano’s story by itself, but it’s a much better value to you if you get it along with eleven other stories.
You can pre-order The Magic in Fire, featuring Conviction by Fire by A H Serrano by clicking here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NN9FJBN.